Australia Day Boat Hire
Whether you are after a Dundee style shrimp on the Barbie, a Dawn Fraser dip, or just want to sip a can of VB to some Kylie, we have the perfect boat for you for Australia Day.

On the 26th of January 1788, the first Fleet rocked up in Port Jackson and while sipping on a latte in the local café, picked up a Floatspace flyer. Captain Arthur Phillip turned on his heels, gathered his men and shouted, “we shall rent our boats on Floatspace!”.
On they logged and ever since on 26th of January there have been large groups of friends and family hiring boats to celebrate this epic country and the people who make it so. There really is nothing quite as brilliant as joining the mass of happy people on the water to take in the magnificent vibes. Whether you are after a Dundee style shrimp on the Barbie, a Dawn Fraser dip, or just want to sip a can of VB to some Kylie, we have the perfect boat for you.
Swim in secluded bays, float around like you own the place on the boats selection of toys or just kick back and enjoy the moment. Australia Day is genuinely of huge significance and at Floatspace we feel extremely proud and grateful that we are fortunate to enjoy this spectacular country. For this, we give our thanks to the indigenous communities who are the true custodians of this wonderful land.
Here’s to a day of respect, fun and memories on the water that last a lifetime. Slip, slop and slap, folks.
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